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The City of London
Solicitors’ Company

Our Conduct Protocol

The Company is the Livery Company for City solicitors. All our Members affirm a Declaration of Allegiance on admission to the fellowship of the Company. To support that Declaration, and our Values Statement, we have adopted this Conduct Protocol for Members of the Company. 
The Company is committed to be professional, respectful and courteous in all its dealings. More specifically, our Values Statement, affirms our culture and commitment to as diverse a membership as possible as follows:

The Company seeks to reflect the best of the history and tradition of the City and its institutions, and prides itself on being a modern organisation too.  While it values and honours the best of the past, it also aims to embrace change, and to be forward looking. A vital part of this includes promoting a diverse and inclusive membership.

Our open culture is welcoming. Members, potential members, and their guests should always feel comfortable, valued and included, irrespective of their background, sex, gender identity, marital status, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, age, and disability.

Our core values are integrity, collegiality and charity.’

The values of professionalism, respect and courtesy, together with our Values Statement, also capture what is expected of all of our Members, both Freemen and Liverymen, when they are conducting the affairs of the Company, as well as when participating in our events.

Furthermore, our Members should ensure their guests at Company events are aware of and respect the ethos and values of the Company.

With this in mind, our Members and their guests as well as our staff, staff at venues at which our events are held and all other invitees to such events should expect to be treated by all Members and their guests with respect and courtesy at all times and feel free to report any concerns about inappropriate behaviour.

Raising concerns

If anyone has any concerns about any other individual’s behaviour (whether a Member or a guest of a Member) at a Company event or otherwise in the course of the conducting of the Company’s affairs, they should refer the issue promptly to the Clerk in the first instance or if that is not practicable, refer it to one of the Master, the Senior Warden or the Junior Warden.

It will be a matter of judgement for the person with whom the issue is raised to decide the appropriate next steps.

If the issue is regarded as minor, it will be flagged with the Member involved to make it plain that such behaviour is not tolerated.

If the issue is regarded as serious, it will be referred to the Master, the Senior Warden and the Junior Warden collectively to take an initial decision on suitable action.

That initial decision will be referred to the Court for final determination in line with the Company’s Charter and Bye-laws. 


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